Homework is commonly used in learning institutions for many reasons. It is even being used for elementary training and teaching among young children in school. This is how important it has become in education. However, its use has never been with a contest among stakeholders in the education sector. Some feel that the invention of homework was a great idea and still is, whereas some feel it should be banned.
The differences in opinion about homework continue to flood the education sector. Homework has been used to help students continue learning by way of doing practice through these assignments. Teachers have also used these opportunities to introduce students to new topics in what is known as preparatory homework. There is also homework for extension and integration purposes where students are expected to use their different skills in solving problems in these assignments.
Advantages of homework
It is for a good reason that homework has still been at the center of learning today. This is because it comes along with the following benefits to learners:
- Helps learners revise and read more. As students go through the assignments, they get to go through their notes and reading materials. They provide an opportunity for learners to understand what they learnt more and at the same time prepare for their exams.
- Teaches learners proper time management skills. Homework assignments are given with strict deadlines. Therefore, students should plan their time and make sure that the work is accomplished in good time. These skills can also be applied in real-life situations.
- Students learn good organization skills. To manage homework assignments, the ability to stay organized is vital. There are a lot of homework tasks to do and therefore, it is your responsibility to plan and organize how you will accomplish each one of them. Soon, this becomes part of you.
- Children learn the discipline of doing practice. Homework teaches that practice makes perfect. This is a philosophy that gets engraved in your life with time.
- Provides an opportunity for parents to be close to their children. To help their children, parents get close enough to help them in their growth and development.
Disadvantages of Homework
Despite the many benefits associated with homework, there are downsides associated with it. Here are some of them:
- It can be stressful and depressing if not well managed. Students who lack guidance can get worn out.
- Homework can deny students social time. You can easily get glued to assignments that you forget to be with family and friends.
- It may not serve its purpose and objectives because students may just strive to complete the assignment without learning anything from it.
Final Thoughts
There are varying opinions about homework and just like any other thing, there are pros and cons. However, the reason why homework is still around with us is that it has proved to have more good than bad. Except for the few downsides, it seems that homework is something students can’t do without. To find ideas to improve the process of tackling assignments, visit blog at 123 Homework and get your dose of homework inspiration.
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